Bent But Not Broken is a testimonial penned by Victoria Thomas Poller, fondly known as Ms. “V”. In this book, Victoria shares a series of events that unfolded in her life during the late 1990s. She explains how she was hard-pressed on every side sharing with the reader her honest emotions, but still faithful in God. In this piece of work, the author makes it plain that one must wait on the Lord, no matter the situation. I thoroughly enjoyed how this book was layered with scriptures, encouraging Bible study.
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth,” 2 Timothy 2:15, KJV.
From the back cover:
Just as a fruit tree branch is heavy, when laden with fruit; so too are our lives sometimes heavy with problems. We sometimes bend under the pressures and strains that life brings us. We get depressed. We lack self-confidence. We don’t trust people. We say that we can’t take it anymore. We need a solution to our dilemma.
When things like this happen to us it’s good to know that someone else has gone through the same or similar situations as you have; and that they have made it through. You too should be able to identify with this book and make it through life’s journeys. You are not alone. You can make it with confidence. You can move your mountain that has kept you back. You can be an over-comer through Christ Jesus, the deliverer of all our problems.
For more information about this author, please visit her website at
For more information about this author, please visit her website at
Thank you so much Renee for the review and for your friendship. I appreciate you and send God's blessings to you and your family, in Jesus name.
Ms. "V"
You are absolutely welcome! God is so good and only what we do for Him will last. I'm just letting the light shine He's placed within me. I thank God for your friendship and please continue to share His Word...
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