Monday, January 18, 2010

Blog Tour: Dug Down Deep by Joshua Harris

In his new book, Joshua Harris delves into the importance of salvation through Jesus Christ. As I read the book especially in the first few chapters, I found myself tabbing pages to go back to for reference. Not only does he provide personal stories from his life and family's life, but he backs up each situation with either a scriptural reference or a simple, necessary need for God.

Dug Down Deep is a bold declaration of faith displaying how God meets you where you are. One passage I personally identify with is noted on page 21: "God poked and prodded and shaped me through countless, small, seemingly insignificant experiences and decisions and friendships." He goes on to ask, "Do you know the kind of slow transformation I'm talking about?" And I answer I do. God guides us by His amazing light into His will for our lives. I remember once years ago when God had answered a prayer for me...needless to say, I was elated. Then I heard a still, small voice say, "I can do this in every area of your life." After, totally surrendering my entire being to Christ, my life was transformed and will never be the same.

Another great point Harris made was "when we read the Bible, it opens us up. It reads us." This is absolutely true. Most often I encounter people who sound as if God is suppose to conform to their lives, but the Bible tells us in Hebrew 13:8, NKJV, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." He's not changing so this means that we have to. We mustn’t think that God is our personal genie where He grants wishes at our beckon call, rather appreciate God in His sovereign nature seeking a deeper, more genuine relationship with Him.

Harris touches on many areas that I believe will help a struggling believer and encourage the unbeliever. I recommend this book as it resonates with the common theme throughout the Bible...which is love.

Many thanks go to Waterbrook Multnomah where the book can be purchased. Please visit this site for more information:

This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group.

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